As you populate your corner of the internet with tidbits about your life and love and art, you open a part of yourself to complete strangers. It is exciting to think that you could make new connections in your life with people from all over the world. Hopefully, if you find this blog, you find something that you like.
I started this blog a little over a year ago. Since that time I have taken thousands of personal photographs, mostly of my nieces and nephews (all 12 of them!) but also a few sessions with friends. I take photographs when i feel inspired. I want my images to take on a certain "feel", for lack of a better term, and I am only able to capture that elusive moment once in a while.
I want people to say "WOW!" when they see my photographs. I want them to find a little bit of that special something that I see when I look at the people I photograph. I think that is my own personal goal with photography; can I make others comfortable enough in front of my lens to elicit that brief glimpse into their true personality? Can I capture the essence of who they are in that fraction of a second? :) Not always, maybe. But it certainly makes it fun to try!
It is tough to evaluate the progress of your own work. I have shot so many photos and I am definitely more selective in what I think looks good. But does that mean I am developing a critical eye for really eye-catching, heart-warming, breath-stopping shots? :) I would like to think I am on my way, but the true test is how others see and interpret your work.
My wife is so supportive of my photographic endeavors and even indulges me when I use her as my test subject again and again when trying out new techniques. Thanks, sweetie! In addition, my extended family has been asking for business cards to share with other people and I have been getting more requests to actually be hired and make money at what i love to do! I do not quite know how it started, but I like to think it is an opportunity to explore and enjoy for however long it may last!
I hope this blog will document a small piece of my journey through my experiences. It is scary and exciting at the same time to think that I could have a whole new career open to me if I take the time to embrace it.
Here are a few images that I took today from my nephew's Christening.

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