
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Establishing my own...

Of course I mean business. You took one look at me and saw the look of determination in my eyes and knew that I would stop at nothing to work for what I love. :)

I spoke with my good friend Kelly today regarding setting up my own business. It is just another small step towards creating my own name in the photography world. It means that I am crossing the threshold from amateur land over into the land of the dinosaurs (i mean professionals!). It seems a nudge from where I was yesterday, but mentally to me it means that I am committing to a course of action that could change my life.

It also raises the important self-evaluations asking, "Is my work good enough to be considered professional?". "Is my style and feel of photography recognizable?" "If it isn't, WHO IS GOING TO TELL ME!?" Le Sigh! :) At the end of the day I guess I must be satisfied that I try to learn something new to add to my knowledge and apply it to the best of my ability.

Tomorrow I will learn something new. :)

1 comment:

Amy Cheng said...

Good luck Frank! You can do it! Have faith :)